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I Want an Agent - Am I Ready?

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

Agencies and Submission Guidelines (Scroll all the way down for S.A.G. Franchised Talent Agents & links in the North Texas area)

GUIDELINES-MUST-HAVES WHEN SUBMITTING FOR AN AGENT: 1) Current Headshot, submit with your commercial shot only (Teeth-smiling-toothepaste-selling-shot) 2) Up to date Resume, formatted correctly, stapled at the top and bottom to the back of the headshot AND trimmed to fit! You should be able to look at the headshot, turn it over, and read resume. 3) Current demo reel, at least on Actors Access. Can be one clip only, showcasing YOU and your work, not someone else or a star. No more than 1.5 minutes, and you can also have individual clips that showcase characters you've been cast as or are likely to audition for, such as, Doctor, Lawyer, Homeless person. You can have a comedy speed reel and a dramatic speed reel. 4) You MUST be on all three actors sites, Actors Access, Casting Networks, and Cast it Talent, (These sites are in the drop down menu listed under "Industry Webpages" 5) Many agents want to have a Letter of Recommendation from you acting coach honestly depicting where you are as an actor. 6) A VERY short and to the point cover letter, stating either that you are looking for representation, or looking to make a change; how long you have been studying for and who with, and links to the five acting sites and demo reel in your cover letter, and cell phone and email address. Your email address should be professional, not cutesy, with your name clearly in the address.

The competition is crazy out there. I recommend submitting ONLY when you are ready, (ask your acting coach if you aren't sure) because you get one chance at a first impression! Agents do NOT Have time to walk you through this and hold your hand, not even a little bit. Be the actor that has it together, and you will be memorable in their minds and make them want to push for you!

When looking for an agency for representation, the actor needs to follow the specific guidelines of each agency. Some agencies accept online submissions, other only accept mail submissions. Each agency is different in who they represent, what openings they have in their roster and what area of the United States they represent. Below are the top Texas agencies and their web pages for the specific submission guidelines.

Recommended S.A.G. Franchised Dallas Acting Agents

Click on the names below each for specific submission information. Linda McAlister Talent



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